Unsolicited Text Messages
Washington Law
In Washington state, businesses must obtain your clear and affirmative consent prior to sending you “commercial text messages” (i.e. text messages that advertise or promote the business’s goods or services). To properly obtain your consent, businesses should typically obtain your written consent to receive text messages. If a business has not obtained your clear and affirmative consent prior to sending you commercial text messages, then they are violating Washington law.
Monetary Damages
If a business violates Washington law by sending you advertising or promotional text messages without first obtaining your clear and affirmative consent, you may be entitled to $500 for each text message that you receive.
Class Action Lawsuits
We act as class counsel in class action lawsuits for unsolicited text messages. If you have received an unsolicited text message, chances are that you are not alone. In a class action lawsuit, you can act as a class representative for everyone who has also received unsolicited text messages from the business. If the class is certified and the case is won on the merits or settles, the class representative (you) is usually given an incentive award for their work done on behalf of the class. These incentive awards are not guaranteed, but are fairly common. The amount of the incentive award varies, but is typically within a range of $1,000 - $10,000.
Who We Sue
We assist individuals throughout the state of Washington in holding businesses accountable for violating consumer privacy and sending commercial text messages without a person’s consent. From Seattle to Spokane, we help consumers in every city and county in Washington. The various industries and businesses that we are investigating are found here in a separate post.